Commonly utilized in cafeterias, concession stands and ticket booths, Rolling Counter Doors provide accessibility and security in interior and exterior finished wall openings. When they are required by code for fire, fire barrier and smoke barrier walls, choose a fire rated configuration.


Rolling Counter Door

Rolling Counter Doors, are used in both interior and exterior applications. They offer a more streamlined look than traditional rolling doors.

Counter Fire Door

Fire Rated Counter Doors protect openings against the spread of smoke and fire and can be used daily for security.

Rolling counter doors secure openings above counters and similar finished openings in interior or exterior walls using smaller (and more aesthetically pleasing) guides, slats, brackets and hoods than traditional rolling doors. Rolling counter doors can fully close to the floor when compact door components are desired.


Concealed tubular motors, provide a solution for strict dimensional limitations around the header or aesthetic requirements that lend themselves to its smaller, compact design. Standard motor, hand crank, or push-up designs also available based on size and weight.


Counter Doors with Integral Frame and Sill wrap and secure openings above counters and other finished openings in interior rated or non-rated walls.

Factory welded frames are configured to order and offer a custom, built-in look. Simplified construction makes for fast and easy installation, saving time and money for contractors and building owners.


Counter Doors with Integral Frame and Sill are designed with reduced coil, bracket and header size (8″ minimum) to fit tight clearances and provide enhanced aesthetics. Jamb and head trim pieces contribute to the finished aesthetics and appearance.